Environmental Policy

We are committed to the protection of the environment and the delivery of sustainable developments through our procedures, policies and day-to-day construction.

Our approach is simple – we promote sustainable construction that is environmentally friendly through:

  • Responsible sourcing of suppliers and materials
  • Good design
  • Value-for-money principles on the basis of whole-life costs
  • Minimising waste, pollution, noise and traffic
  • Providing a safer working environment for construction staff, building users and maintenance teams

Our projects routinely include sustainable construction measures such as the re-use of demolition materials, harvesting of rainwater, ground source heat pumps, natural ventilation and solar energy.
Our adoption of environmental quality standards, such as BREEAM, results in sustainable issues being addressed during the very early stages of project development. Our contracts managers oversee this process, commonly achieving ‘excellent’ and ‘very good’ ratings.

01782 564711