Atlasco Constructional Engineers Limited has over 50 years of experience providing innovative, economic and sustainable industrial cladding solutions to the construction industry.
We are able to offer industrial metal single skin, built up and composite roofing and walling panels sourced through our core suppliers – Kingspan, Tata, Euroclad and Eurobond.
Profiled Metal Single Skin or Built Up System
Atlasco offers profiled metal single skin or built up system cladding.
Single skin or built up systems utilise metal cladding with trapezoidal, sinusoidal or half round profiles fixed to the roof or walls of a building.
Single skin solutions provide a weathertight but uninsulated fabric to the building.
With a built up system, insulation is introduced between two skins of metal cladding.
The cladding panels can be laid horizontally or vertically in a vast array of standard colours providing a wide choice of aesthetic finish.
Single skin or built up systems can be offered on roof pitches of over 4 degrees (deflected).

Composite Cladding
Atlasco offers composite cladding solutions.
Factory assembled ‘sandwich’ cladding panels include the liner sheet, insulated core and top sheet.
Composite sheets are available in a wide range of colours and with varying insulation thickness’ giving differing thermal performance.
A wide range of outer sheet finishes offer our customers a traditional trapezoidal, microribbed or fully flat architectural profile.
Composite wall systems can be laid vertically or horizontally. The systems provide straightforward and very quick site installation.
Composite roof solutions can be offered on roof pitches of over 4 degrees (deflected).

Standing Seam Roofing
Atlasco offers built up standing seam roofing solutions.
Standing seam roofing systems for the building envelope enables you to create innovative, long-lasting, high performance and low maintenance solutions using steel or aluminium profiled sheets.
Standing seam is suitable for both warm and cold roof constructions – any shape including curved and/or tapered, and from 1.5 degrees upwards.

Flat Roofing
Atlasco offers a composite panel, Kingspan Topdek, membrane flat roof solution.
For structures requiring flat roofing any pitch below 1.5 degrees, membrane coated Kingspan Topdek is ideal. This is a factory engineered flat roofing system comprises of a high performance single ply membrane with insulation and a trapezoidal steel liner sheet.
These systems are also appropriate for pitched roofs and can reproduce the appearance of traditional metal roofing systems such as lead, copper, or aluminium at a fraction of the cost as well as providing aesthetically pleasing finished flat surfaces.
Installation on site is carried out by fully trained contractors using the appropriate hot air welding equipment to weld all overlapping joints on site.